About us

Forum Juris a Unique Platform for Legal Intellectuals to share their legal thoughts and opinions, to provide information regarding current legal news and developments around the country.
This website will cover legal news and developments around the country with special emphasis on the legal developments around north-eastern regions comprising of seven sister states in the north-east. The North-East India is home of more than 300 ethnic tribes, who have distinct identity shaped by the geographical, historical and political factors. All these areas are governed according to sixth Schedule of Indian Constitution. Analyzing customary laws in the north-east India and presenting a legal perspective on various legal issues would be a great challenge.
The north-eastern states comprise of 8 states including State of Sikkim with 5 High Courts. Gauhati High Court has its principal seat at Guwahati for the State of Assam and its 3 (three) outlying benches for the State of Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. Meghalaya High Court for the State of Meghalaya, Manipur High Court for the State of Manipur, Tripura High Court for the State of Tripura and Sikkim High Court of the State of Sikkim.
This website will intend to cover all the important judicial decisions passed by these High Court in the North-Eastern States on various legal issues and will also share judicial developments on the legal issues with special perspective to north-eastern states. Our team of legal experts will strive hard to provide the viewers correct legal information which may help lawyers, legal researchers and law students to utilize the materials provided on the website for their professional developments and legal education.